UC Berkeley |
LS 160E: Technology, New Media and Contemporary Experience |
L&S Discovery
Spring 2010
Course Syllabus |
LS 160E: Technology, New Media and Contemporary Experience |
Lecture: W 2:00-5:00pm, Location: 100 Wheeler |
Discussion: Th 10:00-11:00 or F 11:00-12:00, Location: 101 Wheeler |
4 Units |
Professor Hubert Dreyfus, Philosophy
Phone: (510) 642-7463
e-mail: dreyfus[at]berkeley[dot]edu
office hours: Tuesdays 4-6 PM
Location: 303 Moses Hall |
Professor Ken Goldberg, IEOR, EECS, School of Information
Phone: (510) 643-9565 (office, but please try email first)
e-mail: goldberg[at]berkeley[dot]edu
office hours: Monday 3:15-4
Location: BCNM Commons, 340 Moffitt |
GSI Kris Fallon, Rhetoric & Film Studies
e-mail: krisfallon[at]berkeley[dot]edu
office hours: Monday 10-12 and by appt.
Location: BCNM Commons, 340 Moffitt |
Course Description
This Discovery course explores the question: What is the 'essence' of
technology? The goals of this course are to provide students with
skills to understand technology in a broad historical context and to
gain insight into the perils and promises for contemporary
20th Century ("modern") technologies such as the assembly line and
the highway system emphasize efficiency, control, and optimization. In
contrast, "post-modern" technologies such as the internet, Google,
smartphones, and Facebook are characterized by flexibility and their
ability to be reconfigured, as exemplified by genomics, stem cells,
robotics, and nanotechnology.
We can view post-modern technologies as "new media" in the sense
that they are available for a variety of uses: they are
"transformable" and promise to be "transformational". Building on
Heidegger's 1954 essay, "The Question Concerning Technology" and
related essays, our inquiry will include perspectives from Michel
Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Roland Barthes, and Brian Arthur. We will
establish a theoretical basis for thinking about technology and new
media and apply it to a selection of technologies that shape our
contemporary experience.
This course has no prerequisites but is geared toward ambitious and
mature juniors and seniors who are willing to read carefully, engage in
discussions, and think deeply about technology and western
values. This course can be used to fulfill the Breadth
requirement in Philosophy and Values. |
Required Texts
Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology, and
Other Essays. Harper Colophon Books. New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
Available at Campus Bookstore
Course Reader: Available at Replica Copy
2138 Oxford Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 549-9991
Grading/Requirements |
Attendance, Participation, Notetaking |
30% |
Mid-Term Paper |
30% |
Final Project/Paper |
40% |
Attendance is required at all
lectures and discussion sections. Students are granted 1
unexcused absence from lecture and 1 unexcused absence from
discussion. Any additional absences from either lecture or
discussion will decrease the student’s grade by one mark per
absence (A- becomes B+, B+ becomes B, etc.).
Schedule |
Week 1- Introduction
January 20th
Show and Discuss Film: Being in the World, (2010) Directed by Tao Ruspini |
Week 2- Epochs of History, Part I
January 27th
DISCUSS: Heidegger’s "The Origin of the Work of Art" |
Week 3- Epochs of History, Part II
February 3rd
DISCUSS: Heidegger's "Age of the World Picture", pp. 115-137 |
Week 4- The Essence of Technology, Part I
February 10th
DISCUSS: Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology" pp. 3-35 |
Week 5- The Essence of Technology, Part II
February 17th
DISCUSS: Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology" |
Week 6- Meso-Modern Technologies: Disciplinary Power
February 24th
DISCUSS: Michel Foucault "Docile Bodies"
Excerpt on Bio-power |
Week 7- Modern Technologies: From Efficiency to Hyper-Efficiency
March 3rd
DISCUSS: Frederick Taylor "Principles of Scientific Management" Dover, pp. iii-32.
DISCUSS: Gilles Deleuze "Postscript on the Societies of Control"
Listen to/Read about Modern Day Efficiency Experts:
Audio File| Transcript |
Week 8- The Promise of Plastic: the Universal Materia
March 10th
DISCUSS: Dupont's Utopian Vision:
DISCUSS: Roland Barthes. Essay on Plastic (1972)
Kingdom of Plastics (10 mins)
Plastics film from 1945 (15 mins)
UMass Lowell Plastics Presentation
Body Worlds Exhibit
Week 9- Post-Modern Technologies: Transformable, Interchangeable, Reconfigurable, Available
March 17th
REVIEW: Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology"
DISCUSS: W. Brian Arthur, The Nature of Technology, Free Press, 2009. pp. 203-216.
“Technacidy” / “Technicity” |
**Midterm Paper, 5 Pages, Due Mar 31 **
Choose any Technology not discussed in class and describe how it
either fulfills or challenges Heidegger's notions of technology (similar
to the way Heidegger analyzes
the hydroelectric dam and the
the Rhine river.)
Paper Assignment PDF |
Week 10- Spring Break
Week 11- Brian Arthur and the Nature of Technology
March 31st
Midterm paper due
REVIEW: W. Brian Arthur, The Nature of Technology, Free Press, 2009. pp. 203-216.
SPECIAL GUEST: Brian Arthur in Class |
Week 12- The Universal Representation: The Computer and Digitalization
April 7th
DISCUSS: Vannevar Bush, As We May Think. Atlantic Monthly (1945)
Selections from Lev Manovich’s Language of New Media: “Principles of
New Media: Numerical Representation” and “Myths of the Digital” |
Week 13- The Universal Network: The Internet
April 14th
DISCUSS: Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron. Californian Ideology. http://www.arpnet.it/chaos/barbrook.htm
DISCUSS: Selections from Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization by Alex Galloway,
“Introduction” by Eugene Thacker, and “Chapter 2: Form” |
Week 14- The Universal Code of Life: Stem Cell, DNA and Genomics
April 21st
DISCUSS: Craig Venter. My Genome: My Life. Excerpts
DISCUSS: “Biocolage” Katherine Hayles, Critical
Art Ensemble, et al. in Art Journal, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Autumn, 2000), pp.
DISCUSS: Intro to Stem Cells, http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics1.asp
DISCUSS: Ronald Bailey, A Stem Cell Christmas Miracle?, http://reason.com/archives/2004/12/01/a-stem-cell-christmas-miracle
DISCUSS: Selections from Science: “Selling the Stem Cell
Dream” and “Stem Cells: Golden Opportunities with Ethical
Baggage.” |
Week 15- The Universal Building Block: Nanotechnology
April 28th
DISCUSS: Eric Drexler, Molecular engineering: An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation
DISCUSS: Selections from The Economist, “Silver Tongues”
“The Wizard of Small Things” and “The Smaller the
DISCUSS: William McCray, "Will Small Be Beautiful: Making Policies for Our Nanotech Future" |
Week 16- Reading - Review Week
May 5th
Week 17- Final Exam Week
Tuesday, May 11, 11:30-2:30pm location 100 Wheeler
**Final Project Presentations (Due also: 5 Page Final Papers) ** |